12 December 2019

 La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno,12.12.2019

11 December 2019

Share and Practise

Back to our school, we have shared our emotional and learning experience. Students were told about the workshop we attended to, at Luciana Galli's studio, about photography and they have created their own pieces of art based on the concept of photography as a means of artistic creation.

Sharing their experience in Bari

Luciana Galli Lesson

Photos were taken by the students based on Luciana Galli's lesson

5 December 2019

Poland- we share the impressions from Italy

Zofia and Jakub after the presentations in their classroom.👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

22 November 2019

Meeting in Italy- day 5

Meeting with artists


Flash mob

Teachers' meeting- evaluation


21 November 2019

Meeting in Italy - day 4

Discovering Pulia region

  • Monopoli

  • Alberobello

  • Polignano a Mare

Exhibition of students' works and workshop at Fondazione Pino Pascali